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Monday, June 17, 2013

Sports Type That Can Prevent Cancer

Sports Type That Can Prevent Cancer, Miscellaneous exercise for cancer pain, how to prevent cancer with body movements, tips and tricks to prevent cancer with sports will be discussed in this article:
In addition to sports foods can also prevent cancer. diet also affects the growth of cancer, both brain cancer, breast, blood and other cancers.
SPORT is a natural way to maintain health and prevent disease. Research shows, actively engaged every day can keep you from risks such as heart disease and cancer.
Just as eating, exercise should be done every day. Do not immediately think of the heavy exercise sweating, light activities such as walking or cycling around the compound, an enjoyable exercise alternative.
Sports medicine specialist, Dr. Phaidon L Toruan MM, revealing, exercise is a must. Just as you pray and pray in accordance with the religious and spiritual needs trust for, the sport is a physical need, he said.
Phaidon adding, sports or in everyday language is called exercise is an activity that uses physical force. Nowadays with the increasing of degenerative diseases such as heart attack, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, in the end a lot of people know that one of the reasons is lack of exercise.
Starting from this, the sport can be said to be a drug, which then also inspire terlahirnya therapeutic exercise (sports therapy). It is better to prevent than cure. Well, in addition to healthy, regular exercise has been shown to prevent the emergence of diseases, especially obesity as a gateway diverse chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular related diseases (cardiovascular). Therefore, the problem is often experienced in people with excess body weight is a high metabolism.
Affected metabolic body mass. The greater the body mass, the more energy is needed to burn calories. This condition will be dangerous if rarely exercised, said professor of Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Timothy Church MD MPH PhD.
Various international scale study findings have been held out the benefits of exercise for health and disease prevention.
Recent study conducted by researchers in the United States also revealed that regular exercise can protect men from prostate cancer.
Conclusions are based on the results of their tests on 190 participants were men who had a prostate biopsy. That participants were fairly active, although just walking for a few hours per week, it had significantly less likely to get prostate cancer.
The majority of men in this study (approximately 58 percent) in their daily life is much less motion and more sedentary (sedentary). In other words, even if the activity was done on foot, they were at most only do it for less than 1 hour per week. The study also reported that the exercise (exercise) made the man who has prostate cancer can minimize cancer progression toward a more malignant.
Increasing share of sport you play, the more decreases the risk of cancer, says urologist at Duke University Medical Center in the United States, Dr. Jodi Antonelli, who led the study of writing.
Responding to the results of a study published online in the Journal of Urology the Sept. 22, a urologist at Duke and the Durham Veterans Affairs Hospital, Dr. Stephen Freedland, reveals that this finding is certainly useful as a reference for medical scientists continue to search for evidence related benefits of exercise for cancer prevention.
There are dozens of studies that reported benefits of exercise in reducing the risk of prostate cancer, some of which even a large-scale study. However, everything is still confusing and leaves a question mark, he said.
In addition to prostate cancer is the most feared of the adam, women can also benefit from the exercise, keep the risk of breast cancer.
This was revealed in a study by a team of researchers from the University of Southern Californiadi Los Angeles. They found that high-intensity exercise movements such as swimming, aerobics, and running can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
According to the researchers, exercise or sports may reduce cancer risk through changes in metabolism and the immune system by reducing weight gain.
For the purposes of this study, the research team involving 110 599 participants in the California woman whose medical history traced since 1995. Than participants who only exercised less than 30 minutes a week, female participants who diligently perform high motion activity for more than 5 hours a week are known to have a decreased risk of invasive breast cancer by 20 percent, and 31 percent of cancers for early-stage breast cancer.
The study was conducted primarily to look at the cumulative effects of sports or exercise a higher risk of breast cancer. Before diagnosed with breast cancer, on average participants claimed only do a little exercise.
Results of this study with additional evidence on cancer prevention through strenuous physical activity, but fun in the long run the risk of invasive breast cancer who had or still early stages, researchers said as noted in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.

Friday, May 31, 2013

7 Benefits of drinking hot water in the morning

PEOPLE who are dieting often prefer to drink warm water because it is believed to lose weight faster and have many health benefits. What are the benefits?
The following benefits:
1. Cleansing and purification
One of the most important benefits of drinking hot water is effective in cleaning the body. Poor digestive system can be easily treated by drinking a glass of hot water twice a day, especially when taken in the early morning. This will remove toxins from the body and cleanse the body system. You can mix hot water with honey or lemon for the best results.
2. Cure constipation
It is a common stomach problems that occur due to lack of water in the body, thereby reducing bowel movement. Drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning can increase bowel movements and cure constipation. Hot or warm water can break down food particles and pass through the gut.
3. Lose weight
Many dieticians asked his patients to drink a glass of hot water with lemon and honey every day to lose weight. Well, this advice is very helpful in losing weight. Hot water can damage the fat deposits from the body and aid in weight loss.
4. Remedy for colds and coughs
Irritation of the throat due to coughing or tonsils can be really painful. One of the health benefits of drinking hot or warm water, reducing throat pain, cough and sputum helping out easily.
5. Sweat
When drinking hot drinks, you will sweat a lot. When the body temperature rises, the body tries to cool temperature through sweating. Sweating helps clean the skin cells to take excess water and salt from the cells and the body.
6. Increase blood flow
When you drink hot water, fat deposits in the body burned and deposits in the nervous system are also parsed. This will improve blood circulation in the body and also remove harmful toxins.
7. Reduce pain
Drink a glass of hot water is an effective home remedy to cure menstrual cramps. If you experience abdominal pain, headache or body, drink a glass of hot water was instant relief.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chubby Stroke Risk

It's long been known that one of the risk for stroke is overweight. And a recent study in Sweden showed that obesity increases a person's risk of suffering a stroke by nearly double. And this has accounted for the increased risk of the existence of other stroke risks such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Of 7,400 men aged between 47-55 years who were followed for 28 years, it appears that obesity, which is seen on the body mass index between 30-93, will tend to have a stroke more than once compared with those who had a healthy weight (body mass index between 20-23).

Previous research in 2002 with 21,000 men, also produce more or less the same conclusion. Every 1 unit increase in body mass index, it will increase the risk of stroke by 6%.

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure to determine whether a person is included in the underweight, ideal, overweight excess up. How to calculate the weight (in kilograms) divided by height squared (in meters). When a person has a BMI of 25, it is categorized as overweight, while BMI had reached 30 when it was categorized as obese.

Of the many risks of stroke, hypertension indeed top the list. However, obesity is a risk that important because it can increase the risk of stroke nearly doubled.

Sources Journal Stroke

You Need to Know About Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common disease in our society. The situation occurs when the blood pressure in the major arteries in the body is too high. Hypertension is increasingly common in the elderly.The body's normal blood pressure is 120/80 (systolic pressure of 120 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 80 mmHg). However, the value of the blood pressure does not have a default value. It varies depending on a person's physical and emotional activity.
Hypertension is a disorder that is difficult to know by our own bodies. The only way to know hypertension is to measure your blood pressure regularly. Known nine out of ten people suffering from hypertension can not be identified the cause of the illness. Hypertension can actually be passed from parents to their children. If one parent is affected by hypertension, the tendency of children to suffer from hypertension is greater than those who do not have parents suffering from hypertension.
Complaints that may arise due to hypertension, among others, the pain in the back of the head, nosebleeds, blurred vision, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, and so on.
Based on the cause of hypertension can be classified as follows:

Hipretensi primary, namely hypertension of unknown cause.
Secondary hypertension, ie hypertension caused by disease, drugs, and pregnancy.
Meanwhile, according to the WHO classification of hypertension based on diastolic pressure, namely:

Hypertension grade I, ie if the diastolic pressure 95-109 mmHg.
Grade II hypertension, ie if diastolic pressure 110-119 mmHg.
Grade III hypertension, ie if the diastolic pressure over 120 mmHg.
Suspected hypertension can develop into more serious health problems and can even cause death. Hypertension is often referred to as the silent killer disease because of two things, namely:

Hypertension is difficult to realize by someone because hypertension has no specific symptoms. Mild symptoms such as dizziness, anxiety, nosebleeds, and headache are rarely directly related to hypertension. Hypertension can be determined by measuring blood pressure on a regular basis.
Patients with hypertension, if not handled properly, will have a risk of dying from cardiovascular complications such as stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and kidney failure.
Treatment of patients with hypertension can be done as follows:

Without drug treatment, among others, with a diet low in salt, cholesterol, and saturated fat; easing emotional stress; quit smoking and alcohol, as well as regular physical exercise.
Treatment with antihypertensive drugs. There are many types of antihypertensive drugs currently available. For the selection of appropriate antihypertensive medication, you should immediately contact your doctor.
With regular treatment and control as well as avoiding the various causes of the hypertension, the mortality rate from the disease can actually be suppressed.

Passive Smokers fate ...

Though not smoking, exposure to cigarette smoke for breastfeeding mothers and babies still can damage health. Keep in mind, if a person smokes, it means he's just sucking on his cigarette around 15% only, while 85% will be released and eventually inhaled by passive smokers. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that even nearly 700 million children, or about half of all children in the world, including babies still suckling on her mother, who has been forced to inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke.

The nicotine content in cigarettes will rapidly absorbed from the respiratory tract to the flow of maternal blood vessels and directly transferred to breast milk by diffusion. So if there are outsiders who smoke around the baby, then in addition to the nicotine absorbed from breastfeeding mothers who are exposed to cigarette smoke, will also be absorbed directly through the small breathing air. Nicotine and other toxic cigarette smoke going into the baby's respiratory tract. Nicotine will accumulate in the baby's body and ultimately jeopardize the baby's health. Disorders in infants as a result of cigarette smoke which include vomiting, diarrhea, colic, increased heart rate, and others.

A study showed that cigarette smoke inhaled by lactating mothers can inhibit milk production. Within three months, visible weight infants of mothers who smoke or inhale secondhand smoke, also did not show optimal growth.

Cigarette smoke is inhaled by passive smokers had turned out to have chemical ingredients higher than cigarette smoke inhaled by the smoker. Cigarette smoke itself contains about three thousand toxic chemicals of which are carcinogens (cancer-causing). So, do not be surprised if the effect of cigarette smoke on secondhand smoke are three times worse than the dust and coal.

Five Food Anti Migraine

One type of headache that many complaints are headaches or migraines. Migraine headache attack was more torturous and sometimes come unexpectedly. Migraine sufferers will feel the pain and throbbing like a beaten and pulled and is usually accompanied by gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea and vomiting. Sufferers also tend to be more sensitive to light, sounds and smells. It was certainly very annoying and can hamper the activities of the patient.The word migraine comes from the Greek hemicrania (hemi = half, cranium = skull head).  

Migraine headache attacks can occur several times a year to several times a week, with attacks usually 1-2 hours long. Migraines or headaches may not be known with certainty the cause. However, the expected type of headache is due to hyperactivity brain electrical impulses that increase blood flow in the brain resulting in brain blood vessel dilation and inflammation (inflammation of the wound).Professor Richard B. Lipton, a senior researcher of The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, said that migraine is a health disorder that can affect quality of life. Throbbing pain on one side of the head can increase the risk of heart attacks doubled, also other cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and high blood pressure.Before giving up drinking chemical drugs, try to correct migraine with the following food consumption, as quoted Shine.BroccoliWhen the magnesium content is reduced, the body will usually experience muscle tension and migraine.

 Consumption of foods containing riboflavin, such as broccoli, helping to balance the need for magnesium to reduce the complaints that arise.YogurtB vitamin content in fermented milk has numerous health benefits for body functions, such as cell growth and division. Vitamins are known as riboflavin was instrumental replenishes energy and freed the head of the pain.EggsThe content of protein in eggs helps control glucose levels in the blood, and gives the body energy to run activities throughout the day without any headaches. Serve eggs as opening day breakfast menu.SpinachMagnesium deficiency is usually the culprit emergence of migraine, as commonly occurs before menstruation. Spinach, as foods containing magnesium and rich in minerals, enough to help overcome these problems.Low-fat milkThis calcium-rich drink to help cope with the tension of blood vessels, which affects the transmission of nerve impulses. As we know, this could lead to the disruption of the flow of severe head and pounding.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Cause Stomach Buncit to Avoid


Many are concerned with the distended stomach, ranging from reduced self-confidence and a sense of being uncomfortable. Many things are also being done to be able to shrink the stomach buncitini, but not all can succeed untukcara shrink the stomach. State of belly fat is not without cause, all that happens is because of our lifestyle that is slightly less good / healthy.e17573c083f6a479cfaff150fad089f4_cara-shrink-belly-bloatedThere are many things that can cause a distended stomach, here are some causes.

Eating or snacking at nightFor those who like eating or snacking at night, you should immediately eliminate this habit. At night we usually little activity so few calories also used. Accumulated calories from foods or snacks will cause stomach to be distended.

AlcoholCalories and sugar in alcohol nearly equaled fatty foods. Alcohol can make the heart work harder to neutralize them, so that sugar should be left unturned and accumulate filtered.

Sitting Too LongFor those of us who work at the office and used to sit a long time can cause a distended abdomen, poor posture (leaning forward too) will make a belly pressing forward.

Junk FoodFast food / fast food / junk food we consume is the usual source of the fat and calories. Calories and fat accumulating increasingly distended stomach.

After sleeping EatNever go to sleep after eating. During sleep our bodies do not perform any activity so that the process of digestion is not optimal. New food eaten, would not be well digested that can make a belly.

No / Rarely SportsIn addition to health, exercise is also very important to ensure that the body remains proportional. With less exercise will make the body accumulate fat in the abdomen, causing distended.

Foods containing gasWe need that there are foods that can produce gas, such as potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, coffee, soft drinks. With the abundance of gas content in the stomach will make bloated and distended abdomen.

Delaying eatingWe sometimes delay time due to busy eating that can not be abandoned. With telatnya eat, will make us very hungry and consume excess food.Many bad habits that we do without us knowing it can cause stomach became distended. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle and regular become very important in the body condition and health.If you have not found a solution to be able to shrink belly fat, maybe this is one solution, try taking NutriShake from Oriflame, NutriShake is a dietary supplement, the results of the study for 8 years in Sweden, researchers from the team initially Wellness by Oriflame, researching to make dietary supplement that can speed up the healing process in patients with heart and lung transpalntasi. Their results create Nutri Shake, dietary supplement product that can support weight loss and give your body the nutrients it needs to complete work optimally. NutriShake useful so that you can get the ideal body weight as well as maintain health. This beverage filling so that you no longer want to eat too much, do

Friday, December 21, 2012

How to Keep Harmonious Couple Still Have Chronic Disease

Having a chronic disease is not only felt by the patient, but also can affect the relationship with the partner. In order to keep harmonious relationship despite the couple had a chronic illness, try to do these things.
Studies show that marriages where one partner has a chronic illness are likely to fail if the spouse is still relatively young, as well as couples who use the caregiver tends to 6 times more likely to experience depression.
"Even the best marriage, it is still difficult, one can feel trapped and helpless. But with patience and commitment, there are ways you and your partner handle it," says clinical psychologist Rosalind Kalb, vice president of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, as quoted by WebMD , Friday (12/21/2012).
Here are some things you can do to maintain the relationship despite family has a chronic disease, namely:
1. Communication for mutual discussionRelationships can deteriorate when people do not discuss his problems to disikusikan what is the solution. For that every couple should have good communication and finding ways to talk to each other openly.
2. Overcoming emotional stressKalb said normal if you feel sad and anxious due to chronic illness, because many chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) that is unpredictable condition.
The best way to overcome this is to identify the root causes and find remedies. Try to understand better the conditions experienced so it knows how to handle it, as well as consideration of counseling or therapy if they do not find their way out.
3. State what it takesPartnering with chronic disease can sometimes be confusing. Kalb recommends that a person's voice clearly and directly what they want and need from your partner, without having to read minds.
If someone does not reveal, and just ask the couple to realize it themselves, it will make you feel overwhelmed and angry. For that there is no harm in stating what is needed.
4. Strengthen social connectionsHaving a chronic disease can sometimes make a person feel isolated, because it reinforced the existing social connections such as with friends or family nearby, including the couple themselves.