I purposely did not stop at one of our blog. There is an interesting article and very useful for our health. Given the current post on 29 May 2008, it is good to come back I posted here for updating information. Hopefully useful for me personally and for the common reader.
Hundreds of experts in foreign studies show, aka MSG MSG as a "flavoring food" - not about halal or haram, a clear damage the brains of children. As for adults could result trigger a degenerative brain nerve, with the emergence of Parkinson's, Huntington, Aka ALS and Alzheimer's dementia. Government officials and the media chose silence, solely for the money!
NATION Indians have a well-known advice. It read, like this: "The earth we live in today is not the heritage of our ancestors. But a borrowing from our grandchildren. "advice that hereditary reminded that humans do not apply to the natural environment zalim and the earth all of them.
Human unjust act not only against the natural environment - and history proves the result was not terpermanai. Despotic behavior among men, had already become common knowledge to bring various woes. And even more tragic is when injustice actually done to yourself.
Example menzalimi yourself, for example, smoking hobby. This may still considered small compared with narcotic addiction. Well, if narcotics has been widely proven to be fatal, then there is another addiction equivalent to other chemicals that are not less gravity to life human child. The chemicals in question is Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) aka food seasonings. In Indonesia, originally known as MSG. Or too pronounced so prevalent micin. Trademarks offered diverse - no need to be called again, all the food flavoring it's pure form of the chemical seasoning.
MSG Brain Nerve Damage Hundreds of experts in foreign research shows, MSG as "Flavoring foods" cause damage to the brains of children. In the growth, adverse effects on the nervous system of children. They experience emotional difficulties - and the weak to learn. Scientific evidence also show these chemicals permanently damage parts of the brain most hormones that control critical. So one day the human face endocrine gland disorders. Similarly, the impact sweeteners made in soft drinks to diet, can trigger brain tumors number has increased dramatically since it was launched in artificial sweeteners wide.
After knowing the dangers of drinking this kind of product, do you still eat it, or let the kids drink it too? Evidence show, one of the seasoning is the chemical sweetener named aspartate, can damage brain tissue - the same as the ill effects of MSG.
While for adults, have demonstrated the abundant evidence that all kinds of chemicals - name: excitotoxin, can be bad. Or even trigger a variety of today's epidemic of degenerative nervous about brain, such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington, ALS and Alzheimer's alias severe dementia. Perhaps not as widely recognized that excitotoxin food flavoring specifically at risk for diabetes. Or 've had a stroke, brain injury, brain tumor, or a sudden attack people with high blood pressure, inflammation of the lining of the brain (meningitis), or inflammation brain caused by a virus.
The study also showed brain injury is the result of all the products earlier. And in children, can not be restored, simply because consume one of the products containing the chemical flavoring.
Self poisoning & Children Grandchildren
Please once looked into the kitchen, open shelves and refrigerator foods.
MSG is in all the food! In the Campbell's soup, Hostess Doritos, Lays potato chips, Top Ramen, Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper, sauce Heinz canned, Swanson frozen prepared meals, Kraft salad dressings, especially those inscribed 'healthy low fat'. The product is said not no MSG, actually contain a chemical called Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein - it's just another name for Monosodium Glutamate. Really we are so wide-eyed to see so much food given to children every day, all contain toxins. Producer MSG hides with many different names to fool consumers.
As with our families busy to eat out, we ask the restaurant if the menu contain MSG? The waiters - even the manager, vowing not to use MSG.
But try asking a list of ingredients. They are reluctant to demonstrate, then rest assured that the MSG and Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein are everywhere.
Burger King, McDonalds, Wendy's, Taco Bell, in all restaurants, even available on the table, like TGIF, Chilis', Applebees and Denny's, bona fide use MSG in abundance.
Kentucky Fried Chicken seems to be the worst offender: MSG was in every chicken dish, salad dressing and sauces. No wonder the people leather upholstery ravenously eating chicken, the secret life of MSG marinade yes!
Then, why is there so much MSG in the food we eat? Whether he is a vitamin? Absolutely not! According to John EBR in his book The Slow Poisoning of America, added MSG in foods that there are effects of addiction on the human body.
According to the propaganda on the internet site, sponsored lobby group food factory in the grounds supporting MSG seasonings in food is to make people eat more. Lobby group - the Association Glutamate - say, eat more and more useful for people advanced age.
Hidden MSG The food industry hides and envelops the additional chemical elements excitotoxin (MSG and aspartate), until he is easily recognizable. No masukakal?
You want to furious? The fact is many foods are labeled "No MSG".
Reality in it contains not just MSG, but also packed with with other equivalent excitotoxin and potential dangers. All statement above is genuine. And all known materials poisoning the brain, stirred thousands of tons in food and beverages to boost sales. Chemical seasoning had no other purpose than just a flavoring and sweetener consumption of various products.
As noted earlier, plant and food industry has always envelops the addition of MSG in their products. Here is a list of common names for disguised MSG. Remember also a very powerful excitotoxin, aspartate and L-cystine, are frequently added to foods, according to FDA provisions should be mentioned, but not included in the same label once.
Which always contains MSG flavoring
* Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). * Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein. * Hydrolyzed Protein. * Hydrolyzed Plant Protein. * Sari Protein Plants. * Sodium Caseinate * Calcium Caseinate * Sari Yeast. * Protein Network (including TVP). * Yeast Autolyzed. * Hydrolyzed Wheat Flour. * Corn Oil.
Frequently flavoring Contains MSG * Sari Wheat. * Malt flavoring. * Bouillon. * Broth. * Stock. * Flavoring. * Natural Flavors / flavoring. * Natural Beef Or Chicken flavoring. * Seasoning. * Spices.
Possible flavoring contains MSG or Excitotoxin * Carrageenan. * Enzymes. * Soy Protein Concentrate. * Soy Protein Isolate. * Whey Protein Concentrate.
Diet drinks, Beware! For diet soft drinks, sugar-free gum, sugar free Kool Aid, Crystal Light, children's medicines, and thousands of other pro-duk who claim ? Low calorie ',? Diet' or? Sugar free '. Officials & Mass Media Silence, For Money!
Dr. Blaylock express a meeting with an executive senior industrial affairs seasonings. The official bluntly told that did not matter in the presence of excitotoxin food, and no matter want exchange names when pun.Begitu also experienced John Erb. Several months past, he brings a book and his concerns to an official High health care in Canada.
Sitting in a comfortable office, the officials said: "Of course I know how bad MSG. I never touched it! "But the government affairs to health officials refused to tell community knows about it. Even President George W.
Bush and his supporters was encouraging a fruit design Act in the U.S. Congress. His name: Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act, also known as the Cheeseburger Bill. Law prohibits all these great people suing food manufacturers, sellers and dealers.
Until the president was "kepincuk" defense of food flavorings industry, remember, also had events in Indonesia. Ie when there is one brand enlivened seasonings contain pig bones, circa 1999.
Then arises about halal or haram. At the heart of the matter jauhn Worse: harm is outrageous. But this part is ignored, the article is nothing but a matter of a calculator: yes no taxes for the pocket government.
Attitudes deify money is shared among the mass media. They do not will open the story about the dangers of MSG for humans. They are afraid of the demands law of the advertiser. In their minds, open affairs with fast-food industry would damage the business benefits.
What To Do? Food and restaurant entrepreneurs has made us addicted to their merchandise for years, and now we are paying the price not cheap as a result.
In America, parents hope children do not condemn them due to become obese as a result seasonings. Moreover, what can we do? Are we able to stop the poisoning of our children, while ensuring the protection of officials like Bush for the financial industry that is clearly to poison us.
Back Wear Natural Seasonings, Stop MSG! And we do not agree that food makes us fat people, aka sleepy lethargic because of the glut, like sheep just waiting to be slaughtered. Be the case in Indonesia, may be chemical effects of seasoning that does not necessarily make people fat. But at least can properties of the fat, indolent the alias sluggish - and more cilaka: plop bin slow in thinking.
Even when a variety of foreign interests increasingly gripping the world named Republic of Indonesia, has not yet realized the dangers that threaten sovereignty of the nation already in the eyelid.
Had been called, the parents in America would be cursed anxious their children due to MSG poisoning, then what was the mind of the parents in Indonesia? Is it still quiet gobble-flavoring chemicals, the MSG poisoning and drift congregation with children and grandchildren?
Certainly not the way our choices. Therefore, let's spread the e-mail this to everyone. Our hope is circling the globe this warkah to build awareness: stop the consumption of foods with seasonings chemistry.
Go back to using natural herbs, such as turmeric, galangal, ginger, lemon grass, garlic, bay leaves, chilies, tomatoes and various herbs and plants herbs are proven healthy hereditary.
Let us merdekakan themselves from the shackles of "chemical flavor" - the obviously just the tip of the tongue affairs. But the fatal consequences for throughout our lives and children cucu.Ingat, advice Nation of Indians modern fixed earlier. Do not destroy the future of our children and grandchildren, because careless parents jammed with a spiced foods flavoring chemicals. God forbid!
source: http://red-msg.blogspot.com/2008/05/waspadai-bahaya-msg.html
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