
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Danger Alert MSG

I purposely did not stop at one of our blog. There is an interesting article and very useful for our health. Given the current post on 29 May 2008, it is good to come back I posted here for updating information. Hopefully useful for me personally and for the common reader.
Hundreds of experts in foreign studies show, aka MSG MSG as a "flavoring food" - not about halal or haram, a clear damage the brains of children. As for adults could result trigger a degenerative brain nerve, with the emergence of Parkinson's, Huntington, Aka ALS and Alzheimer's dementia. Government officials and the media chose silence, solely for the money!
NATION Indians have a well-known advice. It read, like this: "The earth we live in today is not the heritage of our ancestors. But a borrowing from our grandchildren. "advice that hereditary reminded that humans do not apply to the natural environment zalim and the earth all of them.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Eliminate Mouth Odor With These Foods

Unpleasant breath odor that can be triggered by various factors, one of them from food. Food can not only cause bad breath, but also can help eliminate the odor. Any foods that can combat bad breath?
Bad breath or halitosis, is caused by various reasons such as eating certain foods, smoking, gum disease, dry mouth and oral bacteria. In addition to brushing teeth and visiting your dentist regularly, there are foods you can eat to combat bad breath.
Here are some foods deodorizing the mouth, as reported by the LIVESTRONG:

Nutritious Foods For Children's Growth

As a parent, surely just want to give the best for the baby, especially about food. Therefore, a healthy nutrition is very important for growing children, both for his physical, body image, children's intelligence, physical activity throughout the day, as well as sports performance.
Moreover, healthy nutrition plays a role in disease prevention. Than 100 percent of the caloric needs of children, 55 percent of them should come from carbohydrates (rice, bread, noodles). While the fat (oil, butter) accounted for 30 percent and 15 percent obtained from protein (meat, eggs, milk, peanuts).

Coffee Drink Tips for Heart Health, Heart, Brain & Prevent Migrant

Get to know the best way to drink a cup of coffee can be a positive impact on health and fitness. The right way, coffee is a friend, not an enemy of health.
For coffee lovers, this is a booster energy drinks. Not surprisingly, they can drink more than one cup of coffee a day.
If you know how to drink good coffee and could control the intake of coffee every day, these drinks can indeed provide a positive impact on the body. Among others:
1. Protect the heart.
Coffee drinkers who consumed 1-2 cups of black coffee per day had a lower risk of stroke than those who drank no coffee. This is caused by the presence of antioxidants contained in coffee.
Coffee has more antioxidants than blueberries. Antioxidants contained in it to help withstand the adverse effects of inflammation in the arteries. Shortly after drinking it, coffee increases blood pressure and heart rate. But after a while, the coffee actually lowers blood pressure, because the antioxidants in coffee activate nitric acid in the body resulting in dilation of blood vessels.

.... Black coffee drinkers have a lower risk of stroke than those who did not drink coffee ....

Thursday, July 7, 2011

7 Things That Likes Women From Men

Making love in total may be a peak experience that always awaited the wife of the husband. But before getting to it, there are little things that women expect from the man         she loved. Consider some of them.

                                                                               PRAISE SINCERELY UNEXPECTED
What woman, hell, who does not like praise? Not one word of praise thousand rag, you know, a small but unexpected compliment. If that was spoken at the right time, the wife would have smiled delightedly. Give praise with sincerity, face-to-eye, if necessary, whisper in their ears. Avoid giving praise that sounded very preamble. For example, you praise him while continuing to concentrate in front of the computer. That will only make
your partner upset.