Bitter but EfficaciousParts of plants used as medicine are the stems and leaves. Both parts of the plant is usually boiled with some water and produce fluid that tastes very bitter or among the Javanese herbal medicine known as pahitan. Brotowali bitter flavor compounds produced by pikroretin.
Brotowali also contains alkaloids, soft resin, starch, glycosides pikroretosid, Harsha, berberine, and palmatin. While in the roots contain the alkaloid berberine and kolumbin. "Brotowali nutritious treat various diseases including, diabetes (diabetes mellitus), fever, inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), rheumatism, sciatika, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and malaria," said Sidik Raharjo, from traditional herbal medicine industry Farma Herbal Merapi, Yogyakarta.Added Sidik, brotowali also efficacy in treating wounds, mange (scabies), and ulceration. Traditionally, this plant is commonly used to treat itching and increase appetite. The vendors usually carry herbal mix other herbs that have been used for generations.
Brotowali (Tinospora crispa) is a wild plant that is widely available in the woods, fields or commonly planted as a hedge plant. Growing up in the altitude of 1,000 m above sea level. plants belonging to the family Menispermaceae these vines grow and thrive in the tropics.The size of the trunk of your little finger with part-berbintil skin nodule. The leaves are rounded with a long pointy toes 7-12 cm and width 5 -10 cm. Brotowali also known as andawali, antawali, bratawali, putrawali, gadel leaves, and then shen jin.
Can Fresh or extractAlthough known as a nutritious herb, but to obtain the desired properties, brotowali be processed in the right way. "Many users who do not feel the property because of less precise in making the potion," said Vidya Huraini, herbalist in bio Study Center IPB, Bogor.Hygiene tools such as cutting boards, pans, and knives are things that should always be considered. Use stainless pans and knives and avoid cutting board made of wood so that the cooking water produced is not mixed the other ingredients, such as wood from the cutting board or smearing tool unfavorable boiling."Use medium heat so that the substances contained in the herb make it out to perfection and mixed with water perebusnya," Vidya advice. Heating is too high causes rapid boiling of water volume is reduced but nutritious substances contained in the herb has not fully come out.Materials that have been boiled should not be drunk anymore disposable alias. In addition, the consumption of herbs suitable dosage consuming and painstaking in order to obtain the desired properties.For those who are busy and no time to make a concoction of fresh ingredients brotowali, is now being sold brotowali extract in capsules. One manufacturer is making bio Study Center brotowali extract in capsules, either singly or with other potent herbal blend.
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