Because the walls of the temple filled with descriptions of the most explicit sex in the world. In the building where it stood, exactly in the hills of northern India, where the river splits in the middle, had once stood a great dynasty. For 300 years they live prosper.
At a place called Khajuraho is why they build government buildings and some of the largest temples ever in India. What makes this very interesting Khajuraho foreign tourists is amazing array of erotic carvings. Very clearly displayed every imaginable sex position sex show in the Middle Ages. Although carved thousands of years ago, these carvings still have the power to embarrass and arouse. Archaeological world until now has not really got a satisfactory answer about the origin of manufacture of these temples. Why in the holy place their trust can be mounted reliefs like this? What is the purpose of it all?
One hundred years ago, when the temples are found, the work of the second Indian eroticism on display in the Western world. In 1883 was the publication of the first secret of Kama Sutra, Basic Principles of Love. With a very careful calculation, even clinical book contains all kinds of relationships seksual.Kama Sutra compiled in the 4th century AD by Malinaga Vatsayana. It teaches young people about the universal problem of how to have a satisfying and full life sexually. He teaches how to be good husbands and the women how to be a good wife. He writes sensitively about creating confidence in a girl.
Introduce them into the sex. "Women, has a gentle nature, and want a gentle beginning." In Britain, Queen Victoria that suppress sex lives, openly condemned the Kama Sutra. But soon he became one of the biggest pirated book in English. If the book Kama Sutra describes only intercourse, other carvings in Khajuraho are menapilkannya in general, for all to see.
The building of this temple at a glance it does look similar to the construction Katerdal Gothic in Europe. Art historians from the University of Pennsylvania, Michael Meister, interested in the role of the carvings in this temple. According to him, the Temple of Khajuraho from 10-12 centuries on the architecture in India. The addition of carvings at the temple is part of the uniqueness of the temple that makes the temple was a model of the cosmos, that is how the world was created, and the difference from the world. At Khajuraho, the temple was founded on the podium of the high. Floor podium symbolizing the world, on the ground floor base underneath the podium when there is a stick drawing board across the bottom floor that shows all aspects of human life. There are reliefs depicting warriors, kings, and workers who carved the stone for the temple. World of medieval India is not a great world. Many cultures have symbols to represent the universe, but only in India which have an emphasis on eroticism.
Several years later, many found further explanation. What is the purpose of this all is pure religion, which is a test for celibate priest who mocked them with kesenagan worldly? or for commercial purposes that is used to draw pilgrims to the shrine prostitution advertise? or engraving was used as a guide? Could Temple were built during the population decline? One thing is for sure, in India, sex and religion are always walking together. Until now in Khajuraho it still remains berlangung.
Every year in autumn, the village women take part in ancient fertility rites. Every morning they wake up at dawn, wearing their best clothes and walked toward the temple Chausath Yogini. There, before entering the temple, they give offerings of flowers and water. The girls pray for good men to become her husband, married women pray for the child is given.
Nagasai Devongan art historian is a leader in Indian eroticism. He found that Goddess Durga / Goddess of fertility has ancient roots in the sexual aspect of religion in India. Image of erotica from the 2 nd century BC have been found in Indian art is generally considered to be something that can bring benefit and they are expected to cast out demons. Erotic drawings have been there before, as far as 2000 BC. This carving comes from the worship of mother goddesses. He has power over basic issues of life.
Who built the temple and the other gods? Modern researchers revealed that the answer involves a mixture of power, religion and sex. Khajuraho 40 miles north side, there are the ruins of the palace complex. In the past, the palace complex was the residence of one of the leaders who are very strong dynasty in India, Prince Chandela. In the fifth century Indian trade center decline. Power transferred to the interior. Similarly in Europe, India when it entered the dark ages. In the College of Architecture and Engraving near Madras, South India. Students learn the meaning of the ancient Indian motifs. Under the supervision of modern experts, they are taught stone carving sculptor by using a tool used by ancient pemahan.
In the 10th century, where the current development in the Khajuraho temples began engraving in India reached its peak. However, completely, the meaning of art itself is misleading because the culture, the ruler of the kingdom and the slaves had built superstition. Exquisite carvings in Khajuraho killings again trust the mother of the ancient goddess of magical power of eroticism. At Khajuraho, the erotic carvings have a new role. The temple consists of 2 parts, common areas and sacred places in which associated with shortcut. The path is where people meet and herein lies the god of erotic carvings were located. Ancient traditions that connect people with God through sex is not readily accepted in modern India. Show general affection like holding hands is not allowed. 30 years ago, when finally published by kama sutra legitimate in the west, directly menimbulokan furore.
Now India is in transition culture. Struggling to reconcile the past with today's erotic. If history is a guide, India will eventually find a way to combine the great legacy. Modern India is opposed to the erotic sculptures at Khajuraho. Although proud of his artistic advancement and happy because many tourists are attracted to visit, but now a modern society in India has grown far more polite than when under the British Raj. After independence in 1948, India made a law that prohibits such tigkah sexual behavior. Even to say, that one parliamentarians former colleague of Mahatma Gandhi earnestly suggested that the sculptures in Khajuraho backfilled. source:
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