
Friday, August 31, 2012

Negative Effects of Sleep Deprivation

When you have a good sleep quality, all activities of the body and the activities of daily life will run smoothly. Conversely, if poor sleep quality, negative effects appear.

These adverse effects that you can experience if you sleep less than 7-9 hours / day, and if you do not sleep soundly.

1. Snack craving fatty foods increases
Lack of sleep can eliminate the hormone that regulates appetite. As a result, the desire to eat fatty foods and high in carbohydrates will increase. Causing you want a higher caloric intake. If you sleep for 2 nights is not of very can trigger excessive hunger. This condition occurs because the hormone ghrelin stimulates appetite and leptin mengurango as an appetite suppressant.

Over time, this can lead to weight gain. In a study conducted on identical twins by University of Washington found that those sleeping 7-9 hours each night, the average body mass index of 24.8, almost 2 points lower than the average Body Mass Index (BMI) of their lack of sleep.

2. Antibodies to be weak
According to the JAMA study, those who slept less than 7 hours per night could be 3 times more susceptible to the cold. Another study found that men who sleep less will fail to maintain the immune response or immune system normally after receiving a flu shot. Those who sleep less, antibodies that work after the vaccination only lasts a maximum of 10 days. The condition is very dangerous.

therefore, improve sleep quality, to boost your immunity. If too little sleep your immune system can be compromised.

3. Susceptible to diabetes
Sugar is the fuel of every cell in your body. If the process is interrupted processing can cause adverse effects. In a study by the University of Chicago, USA, which examined a number of people for 6 days, get this condition can develop resistance to insulin, a hormone that helps transport glucose from the bloodstream into the cells.

Those who sleep less than 6 hours per night in the 6-day finding, a process which is not proper sugar metabolism. The result can lead to the onset of diabetes.
4. Stress increases
Studies by the University of Chicago also found 'blind eye' less than 7 hours can increase the production of cortisol or stress hormones. Even in the afternoon and evening can increase heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose that can lead to hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

5. Trigger anxiety
Anxiety each night will definitely continue to haunt those who have poor sleep quality. The reaction of the body can be decreased. More chronic again, happy feelings will not approach life the less sleep. "Sleep and mood set by the same brain chemical," says Joyce Walsleben, PhD. This can increase the risk of developing depression, but probably only for those who are already vulnerable to disease.

6. Look older
Those who sleep less usually have pale skin and tired face. "Even worse, increased levels of cortisol can slow the production of collagen which triggered the wrinkles faster," said Jyotsna Sahni, MD, a sleep problem at Canyon Ranch, Tucson.

7. Various pain can arise
Not surprisingly, chronic pain such as back problems or arthritis can happen when you make a bad sleep activity. In a study from Johns Hopkins Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program, director Michael Smith, PhD, waking in healthy young adults for 20 minutes every hour for 8 hours for 3 consecutive days. As a result, they have a lower pain tolerance, and susceptible to pain.

8. Higher risk of cancer
Exercise helps prevent cancer, but too little shut eye can damage the protective effect. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health study examined nearly 6,000 women for about a decade and found that sports fans who slept 7 hours or less per night had a 50% greater chance of cancer than those who regularly exercise and have a good sleep quality .

Because poor quality sleep can cause hormonal and metabolic disorders associated with cancer risk, and can 'erase' the benefits of exercise.

Monday, August 27, 2012

New Virus Discovered Attack Children

More recently, dozens of children in America diagnosed with a new disease caused by a virus. The virus previously found only in Africa and Asia, but has now expanded to the Americas and raise up children as targets.

Children usually looks healthy as ever when going to sleep at night, but the kids will wake up with a high fever and a bright red rash all over the body. The reason is a new type of virus coxsackie disease most commonly causes illness.

Type the new virus is coxsackie A6, which is usually only found in Africa and Asia which has now also been popping up all over America. A researcher Bernard Cohen and colleagues Kate Puttgen investigating about 50 cases of illness caused by the virus coxsackie A6.

"Most of these cases are benign penykit and that nearly all patients recover within 7 to 10 days without treatment and without serious complications," said Cohen and Puttgen, as reported health.india on Monday (27.08.12).

Coxsackie virus affects infants and children under five years old in the summer and autumn. Symptoms include fever and a rash that does not itch munculmya in the skin with red spots on the feet, hands and mouth or canker sores.

Transmission of the disease due to coxsackie virus can be prevented by washing hands after activities outside the home, and always maintain the general cleanliness.

If the child has a mild fever, monitor the condition and get medical attention when the temperature began to rise and a red rash appears on the skin.

Mouth Odor Not Just During Lent

Diseases that can cause bad breath include diabetes
Bad breath odor or halitosis is often the case, especially during the fasting month that just passed.
Bad breath does not smell the odor will be more apparent when fasting. Is bad breath should always happen as long as we fast?
Medical specialist in internal medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine) Fahrial Ari said, bad breath odor are not always happen to someone who is fasting.
Normally when a dry mouth, because less saliva or due to lack of activity berkunyah will cause bad breath is not fresh.
This is what happens when fasting, where for 14 hours of no food is chewed and no water or fluid intake.
"But, really bad breath caused during our fasting is not a bad breath odor or halitosis is caused by abnormalities in an organ," said Ari, in Jakarta, recently.
Ari added, for bad breath caused by abnormalities something organs can occur due to abnormalities in the oral cavity of the ear nose and throat (ENT), from the respiratory tract or the gastrointestinal tract.
Most of the real cause of bad breath odor comes due to abnormalities in the oral cavity.
The state of the oral cavity with the potential to cause bad breath is the presence of caries or cavities or the rest of the roots of teeth, tartar, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), or the use of dentures that are not true.
"Given the importance of dental health and also information that the most common cause of bad breath is due to teething problems, the problems surrounding the teeth and oral cavity that is to be treated," he said.
Besides the issue of the oral cavity, said Ari, bad breath odor can be caused by abnormalities of other organs.
Organs that can be the cause of bad breath odor among other abnormalities in ENT, lung and digestive tract organs and liver disorders.
Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause mouth odor.
Other diseases that can cause bad breath include diabetes with uncontrolled blood sugar.
U par occurring disorders that can cause mouth odor is partly because infections par u either acute or chronic.
Ari says patients with abnormalities in the sinus areas upa sinusitis also cause mouth odor.
Abnormalities that occur in the digestive tract that can cause bad breath include inflammation of the esophagus (GERD), ulcers in the stomach or duodenum and stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
"Given the possibility of bad breath odor, the odor of bad breath are exaggerated during this fasting to look for why bad breath odor overload occurs," he said.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

72% of World Population Lazy Wear Condoms

The use of condoms and contraceptives to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. But many people are still reluctant to implement it. Even thought most of the people in the world are reluctant to use condoms when having sex with a new partner.
In a multi-national survey sponsored by the first international health organizations, found that 72% of the world population do not use contraception when having sex with a new partner. This risk of transmitting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The survey, published in the World Contraception Day was conducted in 26 countries and 5426 young people in the Asia Pacific region, including India, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, Pakistan, Taiwan, Europe, Latin America and the United States. While in Egypt, Kenya and Uganda, the number of people surveyed was 600 people.
In countries such as Australia, Chile, Colombia, Britain, Indonesia, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Singapore, Sweden and Turkey, nearly 40% of the population having sex without a condom with a new partner. In China, Estonia, Kenya, Norway and Thailand, the figure rose to over 50%.
"This suggests that young people lack good knowledge about sexual health or feel reluctant to ask for contraception," said Rajat Ray, chairman of the Committee on Public Awareness and regular gynecological Federation of Obstetric Societies of India (FOGSI) as reported by Mid-Day.com, Sunday ( 26.08.2012).
Ray added that this could be due to the high number of young people have not been able to negotiate contraceptive use with their partners. When asked why have sex without a condom, 15% of respondents in Asia Pacific and 14% in Europe that is not like contraception.
Some 16% of respondents in Asia Pacific said their partner preferred if not using contraception. Another reason put forward 32% of respondents from India who said his sexual relationship would not be at risk of pregnancy. On the other hand, 42% of Asia Pacific respondents admitted embarrassed to buy contraceptives, while the number of respondents in India embarrassed as much as 40%.
"The lack of accurate information about contraception leads to the use of contraceptives is not accurate or even are reluctant to wear them. This is a big problem in India," said Vishwanath Koliwad, secretary general of the Family Planning Association of India (FPAI).
Unplanned pregnancies are now starting to emerge as a global problem, particularly among young people. Around the world, there are about 41% of the 208 million pregnancies in the world are unwanted pregnancies every year.

How to Stimulate Women As Sex

  Stimulating a woman that's a topic this time, Stimulating Sex Girl While there are many tips and lots of ways you can do mate, all cyber time will share some Tips on How to Stimulate Women:

     Bone collarbone - Clavicle is the last point. If your partner is 'hot', please 'shake' your night!

     Rear knee area - The rear of the knee is one point turns erotic for women. because it was not obvious, you can 'tease' partner at this point when you are in a crowded place. Wow!

     Palms - A fine touch in the hands of women will make it comfortable and belong. He was ready to be yours.

     Women On How To Stimulate Inner Thighs - The inside of the thigh is the next erotic spots. Section with smooth touch, and note the reaction partner Anda.l

     How to Stimulate Women In Ear Leaves - Without a doubt, touch and kiss in the ear will make your partner turn on. So do not forget to touch the part during foreplay.

     Neck - The neck including sensitive spot for women. Touch her ​​neck and kissed her gently. Do not be surprised if later the he pulls you into bed!

     Squad - A touch in the feet can also make a woman feel comfortable. Touch the fingers and feet. Soft massage on the feet they will also make it comfortable ..

10 Facts About Cesarean

Who says giving birth by Caesarean section easier and less painful than normal vaginal childbirth? Pain in the birth by caesarean section after a caesarean section will be felt for several weeks.
Here are 10 facts you need to know about cesarean section, as reported mom.me, on Saturday (25.08.12), namely:
1. Stay involved vagina
Although the vagina is no longer a route out baby when someone undergoing cesarean section, but the doctor will provide the cleaning fluid vagina after childbirth. Fluids are given more than once if necessary a goal to clean up all the blood will leak through the vagina after surgery.
You also must be ready when the nurse inserted a catheter prior to surgery through the vagina, but this was done after anesthesia may not be able to feel.
2. Stomach as drawn
People who undergo cesarean section during labor would actually feel numbness in the abdomen during surgery until several hours later, so the patient will not feel pain at all.
But some people said that he felt a sensation like push and pull in the abdomen that will subside after the baby removed from her stomach.
3. Your body may be trembling
After undergoing cesarean section, the patient will usually feel the spine that affects the whole body shaking. But some people may just feel the spasms and stiffness in the legs. This is normal and will subside quickly after a few hours.
4. Chill
There are so many patients who delivered by Caesarean section after complaining he felt cold and prone to blame the operating temperature is too cold in the operating room. But the temperature of the operating room has been adjusted in such a way as to maintain sterility, prevent the formation of moisture and combat bacterial colonization.
The cold may be due to the anesthesia made numb waist down and also because the patient is lying half-naked for 30 minutes during the operation. This will immediately improve after the nurse gave a warm blanket.
5. You will need a stool softener
Defecation can be a big problem after cesarean section, because the patient will have difficulty pushing the stool when the conditions are still sore stomach and the wound has not completely healed.
By taking stool softeners after childbirth will ease the process of defecation postoperatively. Drink more water and sports relaxing as a walk light to maintain the smooth digestion.
6. Coughing and sneezing will hurt abdominal scar
Coughing, sneezing or laughing will make a surgical wound in the stomach ache. Take a pillow to support the belly, it can help prevent pain due to activities such as laughing, coughing and sneezing.
The pillows can put pressure on the abdominal muscles were cut when the operation and help fight the pain from muscle contraction. The worst of the pain due to contraction of the abdominal muscles will take up to a week after giving birth, but will gradually improve over the next few weeks.
7. You will get a tool which gives the effect of massage on the feet
After surgery, the doctor will usually carry tools called sequential compression devices (SCDs), which works to improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots.
The doctor will put the device on the patient's legs and feet while sleeping still numb, so you will not be surprised if you find a tool like shoes that can give the effect of massage on the feet.
8. Keep exercising
Moderate to heavy exercise will obviously make the patient's condition became worse cesarean section. Do exercise quite a leisurely walk just to strengthen the spine and abdominal muscles.
9. There will be blood coming out of vagina
Vaginal bleeding will still occur even after lapse of several days after surgery. This is called postpartum bleeding that can occur when the lining of the uterus to heal itself after the placenta detached and blood vessels respond to the decline in hormone levels.
In addition, a thick layer to support the growing baby during pregnancy will decay by itself in the weeks after the birth. Do not be too concerned about this because the bleeding is usually mild and only last a maximum of about six weeks.
10. Scar
The incision scar will certainly leave a scar that will not just disappear. The wound will fade gradually over time, but you can apply an ointment such as Mederma after the six weeks since the surgery so that the wounds more quickly fading.
If you apply the ointment is faster than six weeks, it will cause an infection.

Sex was diligent Flu Away

There have been many studies prove that sexual intercourse on many spouses menfaat health. When people who are experiencing flu, sex with a partner is one of the medicine.

Researchers from Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, found that couples who have sex once or twice a week had a booster antibody levels of immunity, immunoglobulin A or IgA higher.

This antibody serves to make people more robust against a variety of diseases such as fever and influenza, as reported medicaldaily, Saturday (25/08/2012).

In addition, sex can also overcome nasal congestion due to colds or flu. Sex can be a natural anthistamin able to facilitate nasal congestion fever symptoms even more.

Not only keep the infection, for women and men, sex can have the benefits of each.

For women, sex without using condoms could make him feel happier. Researchers from the State University of New York and the University of Liverpool found that substance in semen contains chemicals that can increase positive mood women.

Sex can help maintain weight, a common problem women feared. During sex, the body produces endorphins and oxytocin, the hormone of happiness is also produced when you eat. When making love, the brain will feel satisfied so stop sending signals to eat.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, sex also helps burn 85 to 250 calories.

As for men, men are more frequent ejaculations a month, have a lower risk of prostate cancer diagnosis, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Friday, August 24, 2012

5 Tips to Maintaining Health while on trip

Make the trip was fun, see new areas and gain new experiences. But in traveling health problems often arise when the body does not fit. This is it healthy tips from the Ministry of Health when you travel and avoid pain;

1. Prepare yourself well with enough rest and sleep before driving.

2. Prepare food and drinks during the trip. When you still have to buy food and drink on the go, then the note seller."Remember that diarrhea and abdominal pain is one of the complaints from the travelers in 2012 a few days ago," said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) Ministry of Health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama, in a written statement received by AFP on Thursday (23/08/2012 ).Tjandra asked the travelers to pay attention to cleanliness when six related matters anyway returnees are forced to buy food and drink on the street, the cleanliness of the place cooked food, drinking utensils (if need washed ask again), the presentation of food, food waste, and raw food (fruits and vegetables) should be thoroughly washed."Budayakanlah always CTPS (wash your hands) well before eating and before preparing food," he explained.

3. Since ARI is one of the major diseases in this year's homecoming, so if there is a crowd of people (at the port or station for example) then when a cough / cold then close your mouth when you cough (with a handkerchief, or a sleeve, etc.), as well as possible not those who are infected from cough and cold.

4. When departing passengers the vehicle is usually already in check, either in the workshop or the check itself."Because of the reverse flow as well as distant then before leaving feedback so Check the feasibility of your vehicle, be safe on the road," pleaded Tjandra.

5. Check the health or laboratory to see the potential impact of fatigue and back and forth eating these days that is not well controlled.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

10 Ways to Prevent Headaches Next

You often have migraines or headaches? Sometimes taking the drug to be a way out which was considered the most rapidly outgrow this one disease.Though there are some steps that can be done for prevention.Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound are some unpleasant issues that accompany a severe headache. If you catch the signs you'll migraine, you can reduce the severity.

By identifying and avoiding certain triggers, you can minimize the chances of suffering a migraine. As quoted from the Telegraph, the following tips for preventing migraines, long before the disease came to attack.

1. Avoid loud noises and bright lightsLoud noises, flashing lights, and sensory stimulation is a common trigger for migraine headaches. may be difficult to menghindarirangsangan but things like driving at night, watching movies in theaters, clubs and crowded places, and the glare from the sun is a common environment that can cause migraines.Do not be too long in front of the TV or computer screen to rest your eyes, and adjust the brightness on the screen. Notice all the audio and visual disturbances and make sure can easily avoid if migraine appear.

2. Note the choice of foodSome foods, such as chocolate, red wine and alcohol, processed meats, sweetened and cheese, can initiate headaches.Learn about food that brings headaches and learned to avoid them. Food and drinks with caffeine or alcohol is a common trigger, so limit the amount of consumption.

3 Keep a record tentan headacheBy making such a headache diary about the frequent attacks, you can easily track trigger.Write down everything you eat and drink, exercise routines and schedules, weather, strong feelings and emotions that you may experience, as well as drug and the effect of time and severity of your headaches.This can help you see the emergence of a pattern of migraines, so they can avoid.

4. For women, beware of hormonal changesHormones play a major role in migraine. Many women tend to experience migraines during their menstrual cycle.During this time, women must be vigilant with your diet and exercise habits. This will reduce the symptoms before they come. Oral contraceptives may increase the frequency and severity of migraines. Some women find relief switching from birth control pills to another form of birth control.

5. SupplementsAlthough migraines can come with or without treatment, it is important to get the proper nutrition. Taking certain herbs and minerals may help prevent migraines.Magnesium deficiency has been shown to contribute to the onset of a migraine, so taking a daily supplement can help reduce the blast. Talk to your doctor about herbal medicines and non-prescription supplements that can help the symptoms.

6. Watch the weather reportWeather changes can affect your migraine patterns. Humidity and hot temperatures can stimulate headaches, as well as a rainy day, so it's important to be aware of your surroundings.If the weather outside becomes uncomfortable if not indispensable should not have to go outside.

7. Teraturlah to sleep and eatFasting or skipping meals can trigger migraine headaches. Make sure you eat within an hour after waking and then every three hours. Starvation and dehydration are also penyebabmigrain, so make sure you drink enough water and never skip a meal.Lack of sleep can exacerbate symptoms as well, so make sure Andatidur least eight hours a night. Even sleeping too much can cause headaches, so do not try a lot of bonuses for members of your sleep.

8. Avoid StressAlthough we can not always control the stress situation, we can control how we react to them.Migraine is a common result of a stressful event. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and biofeedback can help reduce stress and calm the body and mind down.

9. SportRegular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. But intense exercise, such as weightlifting, jugabisa trigger headaches, so pay attention to your body's response to certain activities.Taking anti-inflammatory medication before exercise can help relieve symptoms. Choose activities that promote stress reduction without too much stress on the body, such as yoga, aerobics or tai chi.

10. Tips to RememberLearn to avoid your specific triggers and planning ahead is an important part of keeping your migraines under control.