Sports Type That Can Prevent Cancer, Miscellaneous exercise for cancer pain, how to prevent cancer with body movements, tips and tricks to prevent cancer with sports will be discussed in this article:
In addition to sports foods can also prevent cancer. diet also affects the growth of cancer, both brain cancer, breast, blood and other cancers.
SPORT is a natural way to maintain health and prevent disease. Research shows, actively engaged every day can keep you from risks such as heart disease and cancer.
Just as eating, exercise should be done every day. Do not immediately think of the heavy exercise sweating, light activities such as walking or cycling around the compound, an enjoyable exercise alternative.
Sports medicine specialist, Dr. Phaidon L Toruan MM, revealing, exercise is a must. Just as you pray and pray in accordance with the religious and spiritual needs trust for, the sport is a physical need, he said.
Phaidon adding, sports or in everyday language is called exercise is an activity that uses physical force. Nowadays with the increasing of degenerative diseases such as heart attack, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, in the end a lot of people know that one of the reasons is lack of exercise.
Starting from this, the sport can be said to be a drug, which then also inspire terlahirnya therapeutic exercise (sports therapy). It is better to prevent than cure. Well, in addition to healthy, regular exercise has been shown to prevent the emergence of diseases, especially obesity as a gateway diverse chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular related diseases (cardiovascular). Therefore, the problem is often experienced in people with excess body weight is a high metabolism.
Affected metabolic body mass. The greater the body mass, the more energy is needed to burn calories. This condition will be dangerous if rarely exercised, said professor of Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Timothy Church MD MPH PhD.
Various international scale study findings have been held out the benefits of exercise for health and disease prevention.
Recent study conducted by researchers in the United States also revealed that regular exercise can protect men from prostate cancer.
Conclusions are based on the results of their tests on 190 participants were men who had a prostate biopsy. That participants were fairly active, although just walking for a few hours per week, it had significantly less likely to get prostate cancer.
The majority of men in this study (approximately 58 percent) in their daily life is much less motion and more sedentary (sedentary). In other words, even if the activity was done on foot, they were at most only do it for less than 1 hour per week. The study also reported that the exercise (exercise) made the man who has prostate cancer can minimize cancer progression toward a more malignant.
Increasing share of sport you play, the more decreases the risk of cancer, says urologist at Duke University Medical Center in the United States, Dr. Jodi Antonelli, who led the study of writing.
Responding to the results of a study published online in the Journal of Urology the Sept. 22, a urologist at Duke and the Durham Veterans Affairs Hospital, Dr. Stephen Freedland, reveals that this finding is certainly useful as a reference for medical scientists continue to search for evidence related benefits of exercise for cancer prevention.
There are dozens of studies that reported benefits of exercise in reducing the risk of prostate cancer, some of which even a large-scale study. However, everything is still confusing and leaves a question mark, he said.
In addition to prostate cancer is the most feared of the adam, women can also benefit from the exercise, keep the risk of breast cancer.
This was revealed in a study by a team of researchers from the University of Southern Californiadi Los Angeles. They found that high-intensity exercise movements such as swimming, aerobics, and running can reduce the risk of breast cancer.
According to the researchers, exercise or sports may reduce cancer risk through changes in metabolism and the immune system by reducing weight gain.
For the purposes of this study, the research team involving 110 599 participants in the California woman whose medical history traced since 1995. Than participants who only exercised less than 30 minutes a week, female participants who diligently perform high motion activity for more than 5 hours a week are known to have a decreased risk of invasive breast cancer by 20 percent, and 31 percent of cancers for early-stage breast cancer.
The study was conducted primarily to look at the cumulative effects of sports or exercise a higher risk of breast cancer. Before diagnosed with breast cancer, on average participants claimed only do a little exercise.
Results of this study with additional evidence on cancer prevention through strenuous physical activity, but fun in the long run the risk of invasive breast cancer who had or still early stages, researchers said as noted in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.