Bitter bush is a plant that has many branches are leafy and height can reach about 90 cm. Leaves small bitter dark green and white flowers. Sambiloto also can breed year round, with seeds or by stem cuttings. Propagation by stem cuttings is also relatively easy to do. The trick, choose a slightly older stems that have leaves about 10 strands. Stems were cut approximately 20 cm long ago driven into the ground in the shade. Only in about one month, the plant has begun in the meet bitter young leaves. Parts used for traditional medicine is the leaves that taste very bitter. Actually, besides the leaves, stems, flowers and the roots are also useful drugs.
From ancient times until now. Relief leaves bitter at Borobudur Temple and the Book of Rama Fibres in Kawi language of Java around the 18th century. Mentioned Sambiloto Hanoman efficacious to treat the injured soldiers when the war against Ravana.
In Indonesia, many people know of the bitter herbs mbok carrying, which is called by the name of herbal medicine paitan. Often people consume fluids paitan the blackish color of mbok herbs, and then bitterness expelled by drinking rice kencur. This mixture is commonly known to ward off colds.
In addition to buying herbal carry on, people can also consume bitter by boiling the leaves. Dry leaves no less useful even now there are also bitter in the form of tea bags. For those who can not stand the bitterness, but would like to receive special properties of bitter, bitter can take in capsule form.
In line with the trend "back to nature", the stranger looked at too many have been bitter properties. Various studies conducted both inside and outside the country, found that behind the bitter taste bitter, the active substance contained androgapholid very useful for the treatment. India also has long been familiar with these herbs, even bitter is used to combat the flu epidemic in India in 1919 and proved effective so bitter earned the nickname of the "Indian Echinacea". In China, bitter already in clinical trials and proven efficacious as an anti hepapatoksik (anti-heart disease). In Japan, being in explore the possibility to use bitter as HIV drugs, and in Scandinavia, bitter in use to cope with infectious diseases.
Various kinds of properties Sambiloto Generations, people have used bitter leaf decoction to prevent colds or flu, reduce fever, jaundice, and treat wounds. To treat the wound, usually one pound dried bitter leaf, and sprinkle with powdered korengnya wound or bitter. Besides bitter bitter also believed effective to relieve diabetes.
According to Dr. J Sidhajatra who have given decades of herbal medicine on his patients, a bitter herb that has the effect of anti-infective / anti-inflammatory best among other medicinal plants. Infectious diseases, especially infections of the mucous or mucous tissue, such as influenza causes strep throat, urinary tract infections, vaginal discharge in women and infections of the sores, can be treated with the bitter.
But dr Sidhajatra bitter reminder that the use to relieve diabetes, should also be accompanied by a diet low in carbohydrates and sugar. "If it was just diligent consume bitter but still casual dining, so dangerous," advises Dr. Sidhajatra.
The opinion of Dr. Paul W. Halim who practice in BSD City, Tangerang, very positive about the bitter. "In the mix with other herbs such as ginger, bitter so it is more effective for treating upper respiratory tract illnesses (ARI). Sambiloto also serves as an immuno stimulator, and herbal medicine for people with diabetes mellitus, as well as an appetite stimulant in children "explains this Italian graduate doctors.
Sambiloto Utilization in Indonesia Ironically, in Indonesia alone, a new bitter limited known among ordinary people who consume herbal medicine. See the usefulness, certainly better if we go back to nature by eating bitter herbs, as compared to antibiotics which have side effects less well and the price is relatively expensive. And if the developed countries like Scandinavia, Japan, China have used bitter, certainly no more reason why we as a country producing bitter not to consume?
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