Certainly a lot of vitamin C contained in fruits  primarily on citrus fruits, tomatoes, strowbery and many more fruits that contain lots of vitamin C. In the body of vitamin C on the need to strengthen the immune system against diseases such as flu.
According to Ir. Ali Khomzan here are some benefits of vitamin C:
Vitamin C can strengthen the heart muscle.
Vitamin C plays an important role through the process of cholesterol metabolism, because in the process of cholesterol metabolism of vitamin C can increase the rate of cholesterol are disposed in the form of bile acids and regulate metabolism kolestreol.
Vitamin C can increase levels of HDL and serves as a laxative so that it can improve sewage.
Vitamin C can reduce levels of cholesterol and high triglycerides
Vitamin C is very involved in the synthesis of collagen so as to prevent coronary heart disease. (source: Corner warungkopi)
Some of the benefits of vitamin C as well:
As an immune system enhancer.
Repair cells damaged by free radicals.
Prevent premature aging.
Role in the formation of collagen which is very useful to heal wounds.
Inhibit cancer cells, especially lung cancer, prostate, breast, colon, bladder and brain.
Besides the consumption of natural, Â Vitamin C can also be obtained through injection or artificial.
You select the vitamin C are natural or artificial?
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