The process of pregnancy and childbirth are long and tiring have been experienced by the mothers to the birth of the beloved baby. Many things were experienced and passed, after some time ago Health Info We reviewed the All About Childbirth further on this occasion will be reviewed on postpartum sundries.
The process further experienced postpartum mothers during childbirth is the period of recovery of organs that previously were changed due to pregnancy. Puerperium starting 2 hours after giving birth to 6 weeks postpartum. Previously enlarged uterus containing the fetus will gradually recover to normal. Shrinking uterus at some mothers felt as heartburn in the first few days after birth. Heartburn will be more pronounced when breastfeeding. In addition it will be accompanied during childbirth postpartum bleeding gradual decline with the number of colors that the longer turns.
For that keep cleaning the genital area and replace the pads at least twice a day. Clean with clean water in the bath and after urinating or large in the genital area from front to back and then clean the anal area. Stitches in the genital area will feel pain in the first week postpartum. But do not worry, do not be afraid to pee mom and should remain urinate regularly. If you hold urine will only increase the risk of urinary tract infections and will inhibit uterine downsizing. In women who gave birth in the operation, when the wound dressing using waterproof materials, wound dressings may be scalded while bathing.
Sundries postpartum: Lactation / Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is an important process during childbirth. In general, milk would come out after childbirth, due to the birth of the fetus and placenta hormonal factors inhibiting milk production will be lost. While there are some mothers who have breastfed issued since the pregnancy. At the beginning of the release is very little and milk will come out creamy. This is because breast milk contains colostrum are substances that can increase the body's immunity and resistance of the heart. ASI will gradually change color much and to white. Milk production are more and more a baby sucking at the breast stimulation. The more often the frequency of feeding more and more milk production. In early lactation, nipples sometimes be painful and blisters. Apply colostrum or milk that came out around the nipples after each feeding and start feeding from the nipple is not sore before. Eat adequate and balanced nutrition by eating an extra 500 calories each day. Drink a glass of water every time out breastfeeding.
Sundries after childbirth: stress after childbirth
There are some mothers who experience stress after childbirth. sress that appears is called the babby blues. Stress is caused by hormonal changes, a long labor, as well as the presence of a baby in need of attention and care will consume energy capital. Needed support from loved ones to ease the burden of the mother. Must be available to accompany the husband woke up at midnight, to help care for the baby, understand her feelings. This is the most efficacious drugs. The mother had to arrange time off. Rest enough in the daytime when the baby is sleeping.
So a few health info about 'Sundries after delivery "as a continuation of the article" sundries delivery ", however beautiful happiness when he saw the baby grow and develop healthily. Hopefully useful. Greetings Our Health Info.
Sources: RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta -
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