Though not smoking, exposure to cigarette smoke for breastfeeding mothers and babies still can damage health. Keep in mind, if a person smokes, it means he's just sucking on his cigarette around 15% only, while 85% will be released and eventually inhaled by passive smokers. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that even nearly 700 million children, or about half of all children in the world, including babies still suckling on her mother, who has been forced to inhale the air polluted by tobacco smoke.
The nicotine content in cigarettes will rapidly absorbed from the respiratory tract to the flow of maternal blood vessels and directly transferred to breast milk by diffusion. So if there are outsiders who smoke around the baby, then in addition to the nicotine absorbed from breastfeeding mothers who are exposed to cigarette smoke, will also be absorbed directly through the small breathing air. Nicotine and other toxic cigarette smoke going into the baby's respiratory tract. Nicotine will accumulate in the baby's body and ultimately jeopardize the baby's health. Disorders in infants as a result of cigarette smoke which include vomiting, diarrhea, colic, increased heart rate, and others.
A study showed that cigarette smoke inhaled by lactating mothers can inhibit milk production. Within three months, visible weight infants of mothers who smoke or inhale secondhand smoke, also did not show optimal growth.
Cigarette smoke is inhaled by passive smokers had turned out to have chemical ingredients higher than cigarette smoke inhaled by the smoker. Cigarette smoke itself contains about three thousand toxic chemicals of which are carcinogens (cancer-causing). So, do not be surprised if the effect of cigarette smoke on secondhand smoke are three times worse than the dust and coal.
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