As we all know honey has many benefits and uses for humans. For both outside and within. So do not be surprised if someone calls 1 million benefits of honey and some even say Million benefits of honey.
And here are a few benefits of honey for the health of the human body as revealed by the Times of India.
- Honey can be a healthy substitute for sugarCan be used to sweeten foods and beverages. When coupled with the milk, may increase the sense, and to help strengthen and boost the immune system. You can also apply it on toast or add it to the ice cream.
- Highly recommended for those interested in the dietA glass of warm water plus honey and lemon is a healthy way to start your day. Because honey is useful to erode fat without draining. Honey consumption can actually increase energy, while natural fruit sugars prevent fatigue during exercise.
- Honey has anti-bacterial properties that help improve the digestive system. Not only that, it is easily digested is also good if consumed by children. Giving the children of two tablespoons of honey every day, can provide extra energy throughout the day.
- Honey is also known to have carcinogens, prevent, and as anti-tumor that can help in cancer prevention.
- Add a few drops of honey in ginger juice. And one tablespoon of honey taken twice a day is also beneficial for treating sore throat.
- Antiseptic properties of honey inhibits the growth of certain bacteria and help keep the wound clean and free from infeksi.Madu can also be used as a natural remedy in the treatment of first aid for wounds, burns and other wounds to speed healing.Antibacterial properties prevent infection and to function as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing swelling and pain, and even scarring.
- Applying honey for 10 to 15 minutes in the face before washing with warm water, keeping the skin supple and fresh.
- Wash your hair with two spoons of honey added in warm water, washed thoroughly before it can be efficacious to add sheen of hair.
- Add one or two teaspoons of honey to a cup of chamomile tea before bed can be recommended to soothe nerves and help you sleep soundly.
Well, that's some of the properties or the benefits of honey. Hopefully useful!
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