Honey has long been widely produced fake people. By mixing glucose with sugar, fruit, flavor and dye. In the laboratory fake honey will be identified by chemical analysis. The content of HMF (5-hydroxy methyl furfural) with maximum 3mg/100gram, diastase enzyme activity at least 5 as well as the content ratio of potassium (K) and sodium (Na) in the original honey around 4.0 while the fake honey from 0.005 to 0.1.
Levels of authenticity testing of honey is not easy, in addition to the cost is also expensive. It takes sophisticated equipment to detect the presence or absence of a mixture with other sugars in honey. Meanwhile, the obvious benefits of honey health benefits, making the rogue trader to have a mix with sugar cane or palm sugar. For most people, the sweet taste of honey issued by the original and the mixture is difficult to distinguish. With the look and feel, honey experts will be able to distinguish between genuine and fake honey. One of the most practical test is to use a pH meter. Honey typically has a pH of 2.4 to 3.3 fake or above 5, while honey has a pH of 3.4 to 4.5. To find out more about the content of honey can be tested in the laboratory. One of the laboratory where the testing of honey found in Bogor.
Honey in Indonesia itself is divided into two, namely the result of honey bees and wild honey livestock. The definition of honey is honey cattle were taken from the flower nectar of certain trees such as rambutan, kelengkeng, durian and so on. When the trees are flowering, then digiringlah bees that are already in the boxes to the tree plantation. Characteristic aroma of honey is honey livestock in accordance with the nectar of tree infestation.
Meanwhile, forest honey, more varied nectar sucked from flowers for a variety of trees. Forest honey is known better because more nutrients are made up of minerals and vitamins. Types of forest honey bees would be better than honey bees livestock. The best type of honey will not be frozen even if placed in the freezer for months because the water level is below 20%.
Nevertheless, both wild honey and honey livestock have weaknesses. When honey is harvested during the rainy season will contain lots of rain, while the nature of its own rain water is acidic. In addition to causing more liquid, honey is also oxidized the air becomes more acidic and will be fermented. Consequently, the gas which can break the bottle cap. Ants were not approached because of the sour-sour taste sweet. When this type of honey put in the freezer will easily frozen, even including the original.
Actually, there are several ways to determine the authenticity of honey scientifically. For example, by carbon analysis, microscopic analysis, hydroxymethylfurfural analysis, analysis of the polarity of light and last test of acidity. Of the five ways, the first four have to use tools that are quite expensive and specific expertise. So, not everyone can do it. While the acidity test, a test that is relatively easy and fairly inexpensive. But, still require in-depth knowledge of the honey. If not, it will be difficult to distinguish where the original honey, honey mixture, and artificial honey (artificial honey).
In developing the habit of testing the authenticity of honey, which indicated light when burned with matches, eggs can be cooked, not seeped when dripped on newsprint, and so on. The test is actually not one hundred percent true, still need proof through the laboratory.
Actually there are other ways that could become a benchmark and be done by everyone, namely with a drop of honey in water on a white porcelain plate. When the plate rocked from side to side, then before it is mixed with honey to form a hexagon or honeycomb. The longer it lasts hexagon shape, meaning the better the nutrients contained in the honey aka honey. The faster the hexagon shape is fading, it is clear that a mixture of honey, because nutrients had decreased significantly.
Another way that might easily be done is the same as above, but the plate did not shake it. Quite taken any action. The original honey which has a low moisture content will not make the water on the plate became turbid. While that has been mixed with honey or artificial honey will slowly make the water turbid. Do ants can be a benchmark for determining honey is authentic or not? In essence, the nature of the ants like sweet things, including the existing sweet taste of honey. However, the more viscous nectar (water content slightly) more difficult for ants to detect the location of the sweet taste of honey is due to molecules that exist in the honey remains intact, not broken. Conversely, when the water level is high (above 20%), then the ants easily approached.
Sources: Fatawa Vol.III/No.01 | December 2006 / 1427 Dzulqa'dah
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